7 Tips to Improve Your Wireless Mic Performance

February 15, 2022

Wireless microphones are essential to today’s production values because they free performers from the shackles of cables. While these gadgets have transformed the entertainment industry, they have also presented an entirely different set of challenges to performers and other users. From poorly coordinated frequencies and poor battery management to incorrect antenna type, there are myriad of challenges that can affect the performance of a wireless microphone. However, most of these problems are the result of avoidable mistakes that can easily be put at bay. Outlined below are 7 tips on how to improve your wireless microphone performance.

Get your mic closer to the receiver to reduce noise

It is important to understand that all environments are invaded by radio waves. Most of these are caused by other electronic devices that emit stray frequencies. Good examples include computers, power supplies and hair dryers among others. In this respect, a wireless microphone needs sufficient signal-to-noise ratio in order to stay above the ever-present ambient noise. As such, you need to isolate the signal of your wireless microphone and direct it to only where it is needed. The closer your wireless mic is to your wireless receivers, the better. This gives the transmitter and receiver a shorter distance and stronger signal, resulting in high performance.

Countering the channel change issue

Normally you might experience your microphone mysteriously changing to different channels. This happens when you have synced the mic to the receiver via infrared (indicated as IR on wireless mics). This change alters the microphone’s performance and can ruin your address or performance. Interestingly the solution to this is very simple; first locate the infrared receiver then place a piece of gaff tape over the receiver. When you need to sync it again remove the tape then replace it after syncing.

Easy fix to the “power off” issues

Power interruptions (when the mic is going on and off) significantly affect a wireless mic performance. In essence frequent interruptions affect the communication efficiency of the mic. Sometimes users turn off the mic without knowing, however in most instances the absence of a power lock causes these interruptions. There are two fixes to this; one you can get a wireless mic with a power lock that keeps the mic on even when its off. Secondly you can place some medical or gaff tape over the power switch which prevents bumping onto the power switch.

Avoid blocking the signal

A rule of thumb when using a wireless mic is to always maintain a line of sight between the receiver antenna and the transmitter. It is advisable to avoid large objects such as walls and metals if you want the microphone to perform at peak levels. Most importantly, avoid large numbers of people if you can. This is because the human body is largely composed of water which absorbs the RF energy. For best results, consider placing the receiver antenna and the transmitters in the same room then elevate them above other obstructions and the audience. Also, avoid folding or coiling a flexible antenna as this obstructs the line of sight between your receiver and transmitter.

Use correct antenna type and placement

You can go a long in improving the performance of your wireless microphone by understanding which antenna type to use and how well to place it. Mistakes in antenna selection, placement, and even cabling can cause dead spots, short range, or low signal strength all which lead to dropouts. To maximize reliability and performance, make sure that you use the right type of antenna and that it is properly placed. For example, make sure that you place the antennas apart by at least a quarter of a wavelength.

Ensure proper battery management

Cheap batteries can have far-reaching impacts on the performance of your wireless microphone than you can imagine. High quality lithium or alkaline single-use batteries often have the most stable output voltage. When you supply your mic with low voltage, the transmitters will become prone to signal dropouts or audible distortion. The best thing to do therefore is to use rechargeable batteries designed for wireless microphones.

Set your gain properly

Adjustment of input gain is also vital to the performance of your wireless microphone. If you set your gain too high, this can lead to distortion while if you set it too low, it can also lead to poor signal-to-noise ratio. Strike a balance by setting the input sensitivity low enough to avoid clipping and high enough to preserve a good ratio. The best way to achieve a balanced gain is to set the gain in such a manner that the loudest input peak barely lights the overload indicator.

A wireless microphone is a great device in the entertainment industry but one which also posses numerous challenges. However, with the above outlined tips, you will be able to improve the performance of your wireless mic.

This Article Brought To You By:

Fred Gault

Fred Gault is the owner of Gault & Associates. He has run this family-owned business since 1983.

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