Gault & Associates, Inc. knows that you have many questions about your audio-visual requirements that need answers. We’ve tried to supply a few answers in this Frequently Asked Questions section. Call us with your special needs; we can help.

  • Are delivery and pickup included with rentals?

    If you need delivery before the event with setup prior to your start time and pickup at the conclusion of the event, we can be of assistance. Applicable charges would apply for these services, but you can pick up most equipment at no additional charge.

  • How do I find the computer’s native resolution?

    Beginning with Windows XP and continuing through Windows 10 operating systems, the native resolution can be found by right clicking on the desktop.

  • Why are data projectors expensive to rent?

    This is a great question. While there are many projectors are available at a low price, they are generally not adequate for providing a quality display in rooms or facilities with normal (overhead) ambient light. They often don't project the proper image because they do not display the proper resolution.

    Moreover, small office-size projectors are no suitable to project on large projection screens. At Gault & Associates, Inc. we strive to have state-of-the-art commercial projectors at all levels of resolution including high definition (HD- 1920 x 1080). No units that are dim, lacking contrast or fuzzy are allowed into the rental stock.

  • Are there different projectors for video and computers?

    Yes and No. Our (not necessarily others) data or computer projectors will always be able to project NTSC video (DVD, camera, VCR), but some video projectors do not project computer data. Certain data projectors do not project a high-quality video image.

  • Why do the images I can see on my laptop not appear on the screen when the projector is working?

    Your computer may require that you use the Function key in the lower left portion of the bottom keys in connection with an F (5 or 8 as an example) key in the top row to send the image out the back port to the projector. The F key generally has an icon on it that resembles a monitor or it may say LCD on it. There are usually three selections that can be toggled on and off. The first toggle sends the image out the port; the second sends the image only to the laptop screen, while the third sends the image to both the laptop screen and the projector. This is only true if the data projector (XGA laptop with a true XGA data projector matches the native resolution of the laptop). If a lesser than native resolution is selected on the laptop, generally the laptop screen will not display while the projector is being used. This question isn’t a problem if you allow us to setup your equipment.

  • Why is all this so complex, when all I want to do is show my PowerPoint presentation on the screen?

    First, computers are not standardized when they are manufactured. Thus you often need special knowledge that only AV gurus like Gault & Associates, Inc. will have. As a result, we get to have a regular job in a cool industry. Secondly, technology moves so quickly in this area that each new generation of laptops brings new requirements and challenges to the display process.

  • Do you rent laptops and vinyl siding?

    Yes, under certain circumstances we do rent laptops. Call and ask us to explain those circumstances if you need to know. No to the vinyl siding question (this was a real customer question).

  • Is there one screen surface that’s better than another?

    Generally (there are exceptions), a matte white surface is your best all around selection for most situations. Sheets and walls on the other hand are not generally acceptable. You can check the Web site (see our Home Page links) of Da-lite/ Draper/AV Stumpfl screen companies. They have tons of screen information.

  • Aren’t all wireless microphones the same?

    Not by a long shot. This is one area where we have to ask you several important questions to determine just which microphone will best meet your need. This is true for both microphone rental and sales. We rent Shure (the World’s Finest) microphones of all types (wired, wireless, handheld, lavaliere, headset) as well as Countryman earset microphones.

  • Can Gault & Associates, Inc. be price competitive on the products it sells?

    Call us with best price you find for an A/V product and let us prove that we WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD. There is no fine print, but the quote must be from an authorized dealer of a product we sell. (editor’s note: I always wondered whether anyone actually took advantage of this kind of offer, so we’re giving it a spin to find out.)

  • Are weekly or monthly rates available?

    Yes, but you’ll have to ask for them.

  • Can Gault & Associates, Inc. deliver, setup and pickup rented equipment?

    7/24! Seven days a week, 24 hours a day we can be ready to roll. Skilled technicians are available whenever they are needed (okay, it does cost a lot more for special service, after all, nobody wants to work on New Year’s Eve).

  • What about hotels, convention centers, trade centers, restaurants, bed & breakfasts and other meeting venues?

    Gault & Associates, Inc. serves as the primary audio-visual vendor for many of Chattanooga’s prime meeting locations. We also deliver and pickup equipment to almost all venues (restaurants, bread & breakfasts, etc.) in Chattanooga and Knoxville. Whenever you are planning an event, we would be honored to prepare a quote and e-mail or fax it to you within minutes.

  • Isn’t all AV equipment about the same?

    NO! Ask our customers. We have nothing but the latest in audio-visual hardware. Our customers often marvel at how new and well operating our equipment is compared to their rental experiences in other cities. For instance, all of our computer projectors are the top of the line models with very bright and sharp images. Our speakers are all JBL or Alto self-powered speakers. Our laser pointers use the ultra-bright Green laser which are brightest pointers allowed by federal law, and our mixers are all the best that Mackie, Soundcraft and Shure can make.


These are the most popular rented items, because the prices are reasonable and our equipment is nothing less than superb.

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